Did you receive your “Christmas gift” this year?

Did you receive your “Christmas gift” this year? If not, it’s still waiting for you, and you need to claim it before it’s too late.

Each year we meet people after the Christmas holiday, and the common question is…”what did you get for Christmas?”. We typically respond with comments about the different material gifts we’ve received from friends and family.

If you are a Christian, you have already received the most valuable gift…and the most important gift…you could ever hope to receive. That gift is the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the ultimate gift of salvation which only He can provide.

God so loved the world that He sent His Son…Jesus Christ,,,to become incarnate and walk among us. In doing so, Jesus allowed us to see the true nature of our loving Father…and to provide an example of how we are to live in harmony with man and God. Ultimately, Jesus willingly gave His life for us on the cross in order that His perfect sacrifice might allow us…as sinners…to be reconciled and have a personal relationship with God. In accepting Him as our Savior, we receive the promise of being with Him throughout eternity…in His presence after we leave this earthly life.

Jesus Christ…and His offer of salvation…is the one, true, “Christmas gift”. He is the one gift which will never break and will never wear out…a gift which will last you a lifetime. What’s more amazing is that His gift is free. However, like most free gifts we see advertised on TV and elsewhere…this is a limited time offer and there are some conditions. We have only this lifetime to accept His gift (it won’t be offered at a later date, and no one else can offer this gift)…and to accept it, we need to confess our sinfulness, ask His forgiveness and invite Him to be our Savior.

Even though this is a limited time offer, the good news is there’s no problem with supply. God’s gift is available to anyone who is willing to receive it. If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please do so and accept God’s gift today…don’t put it off…time is short.

If you have the desire to receive God’s “Christmas gift” and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, but would like more information or help in doing so, please contact me…I’ll do my best to help.