The Great Floods

The Great Floods Along the Mississippi…Not What Noah Experienced, But Still Impressive.

The great floods along the Mississippi River continue to amaze us. Although they don’t compare to what Noah experienced, they’re still pretty impressive to those who witness them.Time and again this great river proves to us weak mortals that we really have no control over mother nature. Although not as variable as the Missouri River, the Mississippi has a mind of its own and often wanders outside its banks. With the addition of more levees and the raising of those already in existence, the Mississippi River no longer has access to the vast flood plain which allowed it to spread out when receiving vast amounts of water from its northern reaches and its adjacent tributaries. This restriction of the natural flood plain has resulted in more severe flooding…as well as more numerous occurrences of flooding…in the greater St. Louis area.

In years past, a single, mild Spring flood was fairly common. Oftentimes, several years would pass with no flooding at all. Recently, however, flooding occurs much more frequently, and flooding is usually marked by higher water levels and sustained periods of flooding.

Within the last century, major flooding of the Mississippi River in the Saint Louis area has occurred (4) times…in 1927, 1993, 2003 and 2008.

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Good Times…Fond Memories