The Bible

The Bible…God’s Divinely Inspired Word To The World And The Foundation Of The Christian Faith

Our most important resource has always been the bible…the divinely inspired Word of God. I suggest starting with the NIV (New International Version) which is a very accurate translation and much easier to understand than the popular King James Version. There are numerous other versions and translations available, and you may wish to add some of these to your library. It’s also a good idea to get whichever versions you choose in a “life application” format. A life application bible provides extensive footnotes at the bottom of each page and can be very helpful in providing information which helps to explain the verses you are reading.

If the bible is new to you, I recommend starting with the New Testament where you will first be introduced to Jesus through the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books, known as the Gospels, were each written for a different audience, but they each provide a similar account of Jesus’ life and ministry. In these books you will learn the nature of Christ and how he is the perfect model of how we should all behave. You will also learn of His great love for us, and how his perfect sacrifice allows us to have a personal relationship with God. Later books will introduce you to the early church and to the writings of the greatest Christian evangelist…Paul (originally, Saul of Tarsus), as well as other followers of “the Way”.

When you’re ready to read the Old Testament, you’ll learn about the true origin of the universe and the history of the Israelites, the people God initially chose to declare his story to the world. Through the characters and events contained in these writings, you’ll learn about God and his instructions as to how His people were to behave, how He wishes us to live our lives and how we can have a relationship with Him. The Old Testament also provides prophetical information which foretold the coming of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

The bible is God’s inspired Word to all mankind, as well as being the foundation for the christian faith. There is no higher authority, and everything we need to know about God and how we are to have a relationship with Him can be found here. Christian pastors and theologians can help us in our understanding, but the ultimate source of our faith is to be found in the book itself. No human has the authority to add to…or take away from…what is found within its pages.

In order to continue our christian walk and become more mature in our faith we must continue to read the bible. No matter how many times we read it, each new reading or study will bring to light new revelations and bring us that much closer in our relationship to God. The best way to stay focused on our walk is to develop the habit of reading the bible every day. Daily bible reading will put us in the right frame of mind and help us stay focused on God and His kingdom, rather than allowing us to get too focused on the things of this world.

Please don’t delay. Begin reading the bible today and learn the true nature of God and how you can have an everlasting relationship with Him. If you need some help, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll help you get started on your journey.


Good Times…Fond Memories