We believe

We believe this cabin and everything we have are blessings received from our Heavenly Father… God…the Creator of the Universe.

We believe…
  • that God exists as three persons in one being…Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • that God created the universe and everything in it, including man…and that humans were created as humans…we did not evolve.
  • that sin came into the world through Adam and Eve as a result of  their disobedience to God in the garden of Eden.  This sin nature was then passed on through all mankind.
  • that God being holy and righteous detests sin.  In order for us to have a relationship with Him, we must be sinless…an impossibility, since ALL of us are sinners.
  • that God loved us so much that he sent the Son, Jesus Christ to live among us as the perfect human, and, ultimately, as the final atonement for the sins of mankind.
  • that the Son, Jesus Christ, allowed himself to be crucified on a cross…as the only perfect sacrifice…to pay the penalty for our sins…past, present and future.
  • that by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are cloaked by His righteousness, and, thereby, allowed to enter into a relationship with God.  We are not sinless…we are justified only by the righteousness of Jesus.  On our own, we can never meet the standard of perfect righteousness which is required to have a relationship with God. It is through His mercy and grace that he offers this amazing gift. We cannot be “good enough” or do enough works to earn it…we just accept the gift.
  • that there is no other path to God and eternal salvation except through the Son, Jesus Christ. Without Him, we have no hope for salvation.
  • that by accepting the gift…accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior…we are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. From that point forward, we begin a journey of sanctification. Through studying the Bible (God’s divinely inspired word to us), through prayer and through fellowship with other believers, over time we become more like Christ in nature.
  • that by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will no longer be destined to the death that results from sinfulness. Although we will one day leave our earthly bodies, we will then be with Him in eternity.

God loves us as we are…where we are…and He longs to have a relationship with us. If we come to Him, ask that our sins be forgiven, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we can experience unconditional love as only He can give.

Please don’t wait…accept His gift today!

(PS – If you have any questions regarding our belief statement, or if you would like some help in discovering the true meaning of life through Jesus Christ, please contact us. We’d be honored to help you in your journey of faith.)


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Good Times…Fond Memories